Now type netstat -nrgrep default and press enter. Then you will be able to configure it from MacOS X and Windows with its network name (ex.: snow-white.local ). On the other hand, the public or external IP address will come to the router and it is not typical of the equipment as if it is the private one, so in order to find out, we can do them in different ways more or less orthodox. Launch Terminal Use Launchpad or press command () + spacebar to open Spotlight and search for Terminal. The correct method starts by defining a name and a static IP address to your printer on your router (ex.: snow-white ).

Normally these addresses are automatically assigned from the router to our equipment, otherwise we choose the opposite, either because we prefer to give static addresses in our network to the equipment or because let's pay for a static ip service to our supplier.Īs a general rule, to check our private IP we usually go to the menu of System Preferences> Network, see the active connection at the moment and look at it there, although we can also do it through the terminal with the following commands: One is a private ip address in our LAN that we will have so that the different computers of our network can be seen and from which it will not be possible to access in a normal way from "outside" of it, and another is the public address that our ISP will normally assign us and that will be valid to be able to identify ourselves outside. Within network addressing we have two different addresses assigned to our equipment.